Strategic Partnerships

Fractional COO for 6-7 figure earners


How are things really going?

If you’re like my clients, you’re probably feeling pretty overwhelmed and alone.

You’re running a business that isn’t meeting your needs nor letting you live the way you want to – but, you don’t want to have to stop completely and invest the time in coaching or a course before you can make big, important changes all on your own. 

The good news is that you don’t have to stop your business in order to improve it and you don’t have to do it alone!

Girl, I get it. I was making great money and excelling in my career at a Big 4 accounting firm. On paper, everything looked great! But, I was unfulfilled and unhappy. So, I had to make some big changes – which led me here – to the rewarding and balanced career I always dreamed of… but, wasn’t sure was actually possible for me.

You want to do all the things and be good at it all! 

Maybe, you’ve worked with a coach who said you had to choose one lane and stick to it. Maybe, you’ve doubted your ability to manage a multi-passionate business. Maybe, you’ve got big dreams, but no clear vision.

Whatever is holding you back, I know one thing: You’ve got everything you need inside you right now!. God gave you the skills, dreams, and gifts you need to thrive! Now, all you need is a strategic partner to link arms and walk alongside you – giving you systems and strategies to engineer a business that meets your income needs and gives you time to enjoy life! 

Let’s Get Real For a Second...

You’re Ready for a Strategic Partner if...

You’re Feeling

Overwhelmed and alone – you know there’s has to be a better way

You’re Tired of

Letting your business run your life, without time for the things you love and value

You’re Ready to

Go all in! It’s time to make changes and you’re not going to stop until it’s done

Let's Get Real For a Second

You know how to succeed. You’ve built a business that makes money and you’ve got a lot to be proud of.

But, you’ve lost sight of who you are and what’s important.

A strategic partnership isn’t about telling you what to do – it’s about helping you remember who you are, what you value, and why you started your business in the first place!.

It’s about helping you match your inner success to your outer success (spoiler alert: that’s when your outer success really skyrockets).

I’m here to partner with you so you can build a life and business you love. Because, at the end of the day, it’s not about money or success – it’s about living the life you were created to live!

How Does a Strategic Partnership Work?



You’ll be empowered to establish a vision for your life – and how your business will support your big vision. I’m right there to help you dig deep into what matters to you and support you in creating a meaningful,intentional vision



Now we know what we want your business and life to look like, it’s time to create the offers that are going to get you there. There’s no need to shut down or stop making money. We’ll work these offers into your business while it runs.



This is where we simplify and create custom systems to make your business and your life run more efficiently, saving you time and energy. I’m a pro at developing simple systems that you can do yourself or outsource

Claire Says:

“I had every emotion, every fear, and all the life mishaps occur while we launched my coaching program. Emily held me through all of it with so much compassion and reassurance that it was safe enough to take a step further. And now, to date, my business is the most profitable it’s ever been!”

What You Can Expect When You Partner With Me

âś“ Compassion – there are a lot of emotions that come with making change and creating the life you were meant to live

âś“ Accountability – if you’re a recovering people-pleaser or perfectionist, I’m going to make sure you hold your boundaries

âś“ Confidence – you’re an incredible mom and business owner, and I’m here to remind you of just how awesome you are

âś“ Fulfillment – that multi-passionate business and life you want to live? We’re going to build it just the way you want it

âś“ Joy – when your life and business are fully aligned, fully expressed, and you’re living the life God called you to – it’s all joy


Janel Says:

“It was starting to feel like rock bottom...

Emily came around at the perfect time, her commitment never wavers. From finance coaching and getting my family on a path to debt freedom, to life coaching through some of the hardest life struggles I've faced, to becoming a partner in business and now thriving and on course to hit a record 6 figures in my business, Emily never gives up! There's something to be said for both tough love and empathy, Emily is your girl!"

Ready for a Partner?

I take my role in your business seriously. I’m here to actually walk alongside you and make the most of our time together! My goal is to bring your vision into fruition while increasing your income and decreasing the time you spend in your business.

6 Week Strategic Planning Sprint

 (6) 1 hr strategic coaching calls walking through my Signature Method:

      •  Look Back Analysis - this is where we reflect on both the facts (income/revenue, clients, hrs & days worked, marketing, discovery calls, etc) with feelings. How did it feel? Were you in your stride or felt burnt out? What did you have going on personally? Did your business launch/program schedule align? 
      •  Quality Improvement Assessment - this is where we reflect on areas you want to improve in your life and business flow, money, vision, client satisfaction (yours & theirs) and overall business assessment: time, team, attraction and overall alignment. Set goals accordingly.
      •  Vision & Income Strategy - We will be identifying your customer journey, long term vision for your business and establishing your offer and income strategy. This step is heavily influenced by what we identify in your LBA & QIA. The goal is to ensure we are building your business strategy/plan based on the life you desire.
      •  Systems that get Results - Create a strategic plan whether it's mapping out your next quarter launches, creation of your new program, systems, or all of the above. Similar to above, this step is highly dependent on what we identify throughout the process & will be customized to where you are, what you need, etc.
    •   6 weeks of Unlimited Voxer support (for duration of partnership)

    The above is a rough outline of what you can expect while working together during our Strategic Planning Sprint. Every step is customized to you, your business and what we collectively decide is the best next step. My goal is to partner with you and make sure you create a plan that aligns with the life and business you truly desire.
Work with Me

6 or 12 Month Partnerships

  • Qrtly Strategic Planning Sprints
  • 3 strategic coaching calls a month
  • 4 hours of strategic work in your business each month
  • Unlimited Voxer support (for duration of partnership)
Apply to Work with Me

This is Your Permission Slip to Dream Big and Chase Your Goals

I’m here to empower and equip you along the way.

Connect with Emily



About Me

Strategic Partnership

Financial Coaching

FIt Life Collective


Let's Connect!

Let's be partners in this game of life, uncover your big goals, set up a system and change things up for an easier, more effective and more joyful life! Let's chat!

Schedule Appointment