$500.00 USD

2 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Add 2 one on one strategy sessions to your experience for $500

I typically charge at least $500 per strategy session- take advantage of these discounted sessions and allow me to walk along side you and dig into your business.

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The Strategic Planning Sprint - Group Coaching Experience (Payment Plan)

We start the week of May 6th!

We will be spending 10 weeks together:

    • 20 minute 1on1 Kick Off call w/ Emily to get you acclimated and focused for the group
    • (7) 1 hr group coaching/strategy calls walking through my Signature Method and hot seat coaching:
      •  Personal Finances - this is where we will not only identify the impact your personal finances have on your business, things you MUST do to be successful and how to strategically utilize this information in your business
      • Look Back Analysis - this is where we reflect on both the facts (income/revenue, clients, hrs & days worked, marketing, discovery calls, etc) with feelings. How did it feel? Were you in your stride or felt burnt out? What did you have going on personally? Did your business launch/program schedule align? 
      •  Quality Improvement Assessment - this is where we reflect on areas you want to improve in your life and business flow, money, vision, client satisfaction and overall business assessment: time, team, attraction and overall alignment. Set goals accordingly.
      •  Vision & Income Strategy - We will be identifying your customer journey, long term vision for your business and establishing your offer and income strategy. This step is heavily influenced by what we identify in your LBA & QIA. The goal is to ensure we are building your business strategy/plan based on the life you desire.
      •  Systems that get Results - Create a strategic plan whether it's mapping out your next quarter launches, creation of your new program, systems, or all of the above. Similar to above, this step is highly dependent on what we identify throughout the process & will be customized to where you are, what you need, etc.
    •  3 weeks of group Voxer Support for implementation (these weeks are strategically placed during our 10 weeks together to support you with execution and implementation) 
  • The above is a rough outline of what you can expect while working together during our Strategic Planning Sprint. 

Pay-in-full discount of $850 or two monthly payments of $500 during your time in the program.

If you one on one is more your jam, check it out here.